Six Key Tips for Successful Virtual Learning This Fall
Regardless of your school or district’s specific plan for this upcoming year, virtual learning will likely play a role in your family’s...

What is it that School Psychologists do? Philly.com has the answer!
This week, School Psychologists across the country participated in School Psychology Awareness Week, a week dedicated to increasing...

Student Tip: Three Questions to Guide Effective Studying
The students at my high school are getting ready for their first round of exams next week. I hear many of my students identify themselves...

Don't Forget To Register To Vote!
The November midterm election is coming up on November 6th! As you are probably aware, the results of this election could have a huge...

Take 5 to Save Lives
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and next Monday, September 10th, is World Suicide Prevention Day. As demonstrated by the...

Organized for Success: Back to School Edition (Student Tip)
When I was a kid, I used to love going to Staples to get school supplies for the upcoming school year. Picking out the most stylish...

Why Parents Should Encourage Students to Play Outside This Summer
Tomorrow is August 1st. For anyone who operates on an academic calendar, turning to the next page of a calendar page also means preparing...

Savoring Summer: How the “Three Good Things” Exercise Can Help You Get the Most Out of Your Summer (
Even though it feels like only last week that I packed up my office, said goodbye to my students, and took the most epic end-of-school...